3D Printed Fashion

3D Printed Fashion

Teaching Resouces

Teaching Resources

Hi lovely teacher, I am Linette!

I have been using 3D Printing for 7 years now to enhance my classes. I’ve been experimenting a lot and figuring out what works best and what doesn’t. I’ve suffered, so you don’t have too. :)

I am putting together all of my knowledge and sharing everything with teachers like you to help you kick start your 3D Printed Fashion journey. Of course, there are some materials on 3D Printed Fashion online. But none are specifically designed for teachers.

If you'd like to explore the beautiful wonders of 3D Printed Fashion join me.

I promise it will be worth your time!

I want free teaching resources

Wonders my students
have created in my
3D Printed Fashion classes

Get your FREE teaching resources

Get Your FREE Teaching Resources

Ready to boost your lessons? Join the growing number of teachers ehancing their Design & Technology classes with 3D Printed Fashion.

200 minutes (4x50 minutes) of ready-to-use lessons plans, workbook, worksheet, answer sheet and glossary.

200 minutes (4x50 minutes) of ready-to-use lessons plans, workbook, worksheet, answer sheet and glossary.

200 minutes (4x50 minutes) of ready-to-use lessons plans, workbook, worksheet, answer sheet and glossary.

200 minutes (4x50 minutes) of ready-to-use lessons plans, workbook, worksheet, answer sheet and glossary.

I want free teaching resources